Introduction of computer

Introduction of computer :

     The year of 20 and 21st century has witnessed rapid developments in science and technology influencing every aspect of human life. One of the greatest things that man has ever created is, perhaps, 'the Computer'. The computer is truly an amazing machine. Computer is being used in areas of administration, medicine, education, sports, defence, shops, home, markets and many more. Computer and Information Technology (IT), in recent years, has become an integral part of our life. We can see it almost everywhere.

    A computer is an electronic machine that helps to process data. It is used to solve problems relating to almost all fields such as education, home, medicine, science and technology, research, designing, publishing, communication etc.
    A computer is an information-processing and information-accessing tool. This means that a computer accepts some information or data from the outside world. It processes it to produce a new information.
   Information processing is the essence of computing.
   Meaning of Computer : The word computer has derived from an English word 'Compute', which means 'to calculate'.

   Computer is an electronic device which processes the input informations according to the given set of instructions, called program.

   Blaise Pascal had developed the first mechanical calculator in 1642 AD, which is called 'PascaLene'.

    British scientist Charles Babbage was the first person to conceive an automatic calculator or a computer in 1833. He is called the 'Father of modem computer'.

   The credit of developing first computer program goes to Lady Ada Augusta, a student of Babbage.

    Herman Holorith prepared an electronic tabulating machine in 1880, which was automatically functional with the help of Punch Card. This Punch Card is used in computer even today.
   Howard Ekin developed the first Mechanical Computer 'Mark - I' in 1937.
   J.P. Ekart and John Moschley invented world's first electronic computer 'ENIAC-I' in 1946 and paved the way for first revolution in the field of calculating machine or computer. Electronic Valve or Vaccum Tube was used as a switch in the computer.

    John Van Newman invented EDVAC (Electronic Descrete Variable Computer) in 1951, in which he used Stored Program. The credit of using Binary System in computers also goes to him. Indeed Mr. Newman contributed most in the development of computer and thus gave a right direction to the Computer Revolution (Second Revolution).



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