Python chapter 1 Hello, World
Python chapter 1 Hello, World TECH KNOWLEDGE MASTER, What you should know You should know how to edit programs in a text editor or IDLE, save the file and run the file once the files have been saved to your disk. Printing Programming tutorials since the beginning of time have started with a little program called "Hello, World! The syntax changed in Python 3.0. If you are using Python 3.0, you should be reading Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python 3 instead. So here is the Python 2.6 example: print "Hello, World!" If you are using the command line to run programs then type it in with a text editor, save it as and run it with python Otherwise go into IDLE, create a new window, and create the program as in section Creating and Running Programs . When this program is run here's what it prints: Hello, World! Now I'm not going to tell you this every time, but when I show you a program I recommend that you typ...